Sunday, February 22, 2015

Week of 2/8/15

1.     Finished assigned readings on Content Analysis, and read/reviewed assignments on risk management and Objectives/Assessments.  I still have a little bit of the risk management material to read.   About 3 hours, 80% complete.

About 2 hours reading through asset documents that Daniel provided on the subject.  Since I will be writing the Analysis Report, I also pulled several references to post training expectations for the teacher candidate and noted some exercises to include in the training.  100% complete.

About 1 hour writing Background and Expected Benefits sections for Analysis report ahead of team meeting on Tues.  75% complete.

Met with team on 2/10 and reviewed roles/duties, brainstormed delivery media ideas, and created work breakdown structure and tentative schedule.
2.   Reflection: 1) I have a little bit of risk management material to read, but have completed the rest.  2) I want to write a good report document for my team task and these readings are part of the direction that I need for that goal.  I met most of the goal, although not 100%.  3) I have written some documents for the early stages of various projects, although not an instruction design project.  I can definitely see that the Asanna process could be helpful.  Also, all of my team experiences involved similar levels of unsureness, new people, and finding out who holds what talents/skills.  4) My method of brainstorming and drafting documents has worked well for me in many situations.  I find it is both effective for me and reasonably efficient.  Of course I spend time writing some that eventually gets edited out, but the benefit of loosening my “writing gears” is more than worth it.  5) I performed moderately for the week.  I did not get as much read early in the week as I intended, and forgot to post my reflection in my blog.  I was overwhelmed by other “life stuff”.  On the other hand, I did a good job of drafting my report and grouping relevant information together.  I intend to get back on track.   6) I am going to develop a “Saturday morning checklist” for myself so I can make sure to address all of my course obligations within the week avoid last minute or late realizations.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Week of 2/1/15


1.    Read assigned readings on WBS, and Content Analysis.   About 6 hours, 50% complete.

About 1 hour writing Background and Expected Benefits sections for Analysis report ahead of team meeting on Tues.  75% complete.

2.     Reflection: 1) I read a little more than half of the assigned readings by the end of the week.  I will have to complete the readings in order to properly complete my team task---The analysis report.  2) This is important information that will contribute to a good analysis report documentation for the team task.  I did not meet the goal, although I see how it fits in with the task.  3) I have not completed a project analysis report, although I completed a research proposal last fall and have completed some project charters and justifications in my workplace.  This process is definitely adaptable to multiple applications.  4) The main pattern is that when I am unsure how to proceed, I follow the directions (text guidance) and “throw stuff on the wall”, that is writing from my gut instinct.  Once it is drafted, then I start editing and fleshing out my unknowns.  This method works well for me.  5) For a draft, it was pretty good.  I think I communicated the content of the draft to my teammates and asked a few product vision questions of them.  There are a few questions that I need to get answers to.   6) I definitely need to finish reading the text assignments, follow up on a few questions.  I also need to track my time/assignments more closely.  I am entering this blog writing late because I had thought that I had added it already.  Multiple assignments, deadlines and places to get information has gotten the better of me. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Week of 1/26/15

My 15/5

1.      Our team task was to build our website foundation.  So that was completed by our site leader.

My spent time:
About 10 minutes writing my biography for our team site.
About 20 minutes reviewing our team site at the end of the week after our Site lead had gotten the foundation built.
About 15 minutes writing this week’s activity summary for my 15/5.
About 45 minutes reading classmates’ posts and responses in the “Old Timers Q&A” section. 
About 30 minutes googling and reviewing blogger hosting services.  (This is my first.) 
About 30 minutes choosing a template, starting the blog account and browsing the "Post settings" section and adding my posts.
I also spent about 4 hours reading the assigned chapters.

2.      Reflections

What did I do?  I finished reading the assigned chapters by Saturday early afternoon (on time).

What was important about what I did?  I reviewed my project role duties vs the reading sections about instruction analysis.  This helped me bring together the content with my responsibility.  I am a bit nervous about whether I will be able to complete all aspects of the instruction analysis as described in the text, but I am consciously and very aggressively trying to avoid worrying and trust that all of the information that I need will be available. 

When have I done this before?  I have started many training projects where the beginning seemed like a mountain and where I did not have a solid vision of what the outcome would look like.  The process of designing a training course will prompt specific questions.  As I ask those questions and get or develop answers, the fogginess will clear.

Week of 1/19/15

My 15/5
  1. What did I do?  Was it on time?  Our team had to meet, discuss and agree on our team name and roles for our project.   We spent about 30 minutes on that first meeting and completed it.

    I also had to review all of the orienting materials for the course.  I read through that (actually a couple of times).  I am trying to get my "sea legs" back.  I feel like I am on a giant sea going vessel for the first time in months.

  2. What should I do next?  What is my plan / design?  I DON’T KNOW… HEART RACING… TRY TO NOT PANIC, etc… 
    But I have had this feeling on many assignments, both individual and group, both in my course assignments and work.  So take several deep breaths and remember that I was able to manage my progress through small steps as I moved forward.  I have to a) make sure not to fall into Paralysis by Analysis, and b) don’t procrastinate.